A moment longer and February arrives at the home stretch. The cold days and biting winds began to recede and nature gradually awakens from its slumber, or at least the hope of it. The soft winter covers the land under a blanket of snow, but the sun prevails with its strength.
February is the month when days lengthen imperceptibly and the sun´s rays illuminate the landscape more intensely. The frost no longer bites the skin as sharply and signs of spring begin to emerge from beneath the winter clothes. Birds sing a little more eagerly as if they know that change is coming.
Even the men of hard everyday life begin to prepare for the arrival of spring. Gradually, winter coats and boots are replaced with lighter clothes and perhaps it´s time to wash that winter armor, the sweater, or at least air it out.
Although March is still around the corner, February already acts as the gatekeeper to spring. Soon, winter´s icy grip will loosen and colorful spring will take the stage, full of hope and renewal.
Well, it´s still frustrating to get up in the mornings from a warm bed to the cold harsh reality and scraping the car windows from the permafrost, but you have to start somewhere.

Disturb Scandinavia ei ole vain brändi – se on tarina, joka ansaitsee olla kirjoitettuna Avainlipun kanssa. Häiritsevän hyvää tyyliä, joka juontaa juurensa Meri-Lapista, kantaa nyt ylpeästi Suomalaisen Työn Liiton myöntämää Avainlippua.